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Unbranded, 3712[^]2edvd0315 Shaun The Sheep: Wash Day (DVD)

Eight more sheeptactular episodes featuring Shaun and the rest of the flock as they join in his late
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Unbranded, 3712[^]2edvd0315 Shaun The Sheep: Wash Day (DVD)
Eight more sheeptactular episodes featuring Shaun and the rest of the flock as they join in his latest madcap schemes and try to pull the wool over the eyes of the farmers trusty sheepdog Bitzer! All’s wool that ends wool in this collection, as the farmer employs a robotic sheep dog, the flock have some alien encounters, Shaun has a go at dentistry and, after some hi-jinks with the rotary clothes line, there’s a desperate race to get the farmer’s washing clean. Featuring 8 Baa’ king ma

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